Jason Reading


Jason founded Aries Capital Partners with Rick Durham and Andy Dent in 2007 to focus on helping entrepreneurs and their businesses grow, unconstrained by the limitations of a fund. He has led investments from consumer products to services and includes structures ranging from roll-ups, minority/majority investments, management-led buyouts and growth capital.

Previous to Aries, Jason held positions at Peterson Partners, a private equity fund; Leucadia National, a publicly-held investor in distressed assets; Merrill Lynch, in their investment banking group; and Price Waterhouse, with their Audit and Business Advisory Services group.

Jason earned an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Science from Brigham Young University. He was a major in the Army National Guard, and served a one-year tour of duty in Baghdad as a company commander.

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“When we met Jason, we immediately knew that he and Aries were different from other firms we were considering. He was easy to work with and very knowledgeable.”

Wayne Mitchell, CEO, American Crafts